Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lonely Together - A Short Story

It was a full grown day with clear sky after yesterday's rain. The Sun was at its peak in the mid afternoon with slow and cool wind blowing around. Dr. Seema Sarthak was sitting in her cabin which was near the elevator on the 9th floor of the hospital, giving a clear view of the city. As she examined the reports of Pooja who was sitting across the desk, she kept juggling one report over other, intermittently revisiting some reports which she had just pushed aside. She sometimes observed Pooja and gave her a fainted smile. “Something is wrong” Pooja was assured from doctor's reaction, however she was not amused. She was at peace and kept looking out of the large glass window. Some pigeons were playing on the window pane. And a pair was lost on its own world. The male pigeon would suck rice from the ground and gave it to his partner to eat. He kept repeating it for a long time. 'That's love' - Pooja looked intently at them, smiling and wondering how lucky they were.

“It's serious Pooja. We can't delay it further. We will have to operate immediately” said doctor with visible nervousness in her voice, though she tried to sound assertive with strong pitch. Pooja simply looked at her for a while knowing well that there was no point arguing, and asked, “What do I need to do, Dear?”

“We will start at sharp 5 PM. Pooja, listen to me....I don't want to hide anything. Chances are 50% - 50%. I would suggest you talk whom you want to and better call your family here immediately.” replied doctor. “You can stay in my cabin till then” she added. She rang the bell to call the staff members and started instructing them to make arrangements in the Operation Theater.

“Hi are you?” replied Pooja's younger sister Samitha on her mobile from the other side.

“I am good. I need a help if you are free.” Pooja could only complete this much when Samitha interrupted, “Didiii...actually I am going for Ranil's convocation tomorrow. I need to prepare for it. Hai naa Diiiii.....time seems just yesterday that he was born and see tomorrow he will be a graduate. I am so happy. I am so excited. I can't explain.” add Samitha. Pooja was surprised. Samitha had not told her about Ranil's convocation. He was most close to her in childhood and it was she who had looked after him in those years, and Samitha didn't even inform her about his convocation earlier.

Di...kya hua?” asked Samitha.

“Ohh..nothing baby…you go ahead. I was joking...I had called to just check about you guys. Take care....and give my blessings to Ranil, my darling. Do send some pics of convocation if you can” instructed Pooja.

“ are so you..........muaahhhh. One more thing Di...we are planning to celebrate Ranil's graduation. Can I borrow your home for the party? You know house is so chaotic these days. You can stay at my home during the party” asked Samitha with a giggle.

“You can. Bye” replied Pooja and cut the call and took a heavy breath. Doctor Seema, who was working on some reports, looked up and she could see tears in Pooja's eyes. She had been a family doctor for a very long time and had now become good friends with Pooja. She had, sometimes, tried to persuade Pooja to think about herself, give herself some attention and time. She had an intuition that Pooja understood as well but preferred to ignore so she kept quiet and didn't pursue it any further. Pooja sipped water from the bottle kept on doctor's table. Before doctor could say anything, she dialed another no. from her cell phone.

“Hi Shikha, Pooja here” she said on phone.

“Hi Pooja…Kaisi hai tu? Long time yaar...come over some time. I have so much to talk to you” replied Shikha.

“yeah yeah..I will. Listen...I need some help. Where are you now and what’s the plan for today?” asked Pooja.

“yaar....sorry........not today. I have come with my daughter in law to meet a gynecologist. There is a good news on its way. Yahi to batana tha tujhe. I am going to become a daadi soon. I am so happy yaar. This is the best moment of my life” exclaimed Shikha.

Shikha and Pooja were colleagues. They had shared some good and bad moments together, but off late Shikha got busy with her personal responsibilities and they were not in touch much.

“Congratulations yaar....I am so happy for you. Take care...I will call you later” said Pooja and pushed the phone on table.

Dr. Seema, who was busy on compute so far, understood the situation and rang the bell. She instructed nurses and office assistants to make arrangement for sufficient amount of blood. She asked them to keep some people on note for any emergency. She instructed them to put the requests on some blood donor’s websites as well.

“Pooja let us come....we need to make some arrangements. Operation will start at sharp 5 PM. You have some hours. Do you want to relax? I can get a room done.” asked doctor.

“No..its ok here” simple replied Pooja with a fainted smile.

“Yaar wo Hrehan Roshan ki movie aa rahi hai month end pe. We will go together after your operation. He looks just like his father Hrithik” said the doctor to cheer her up. Both of them had a good laugh over it.

Acha Seema...I will go out for a while and return in some time” informed Pooja.

“Where...but do come by 4 PM. I have called a panel of doctors. They need to examine you before the operation” informed Dr. Seema.

“You know where....I want to see him, maybe for the last time” said Pooja, collecting her phone and bag from the doctor's desk and left towards the parking where her driver was waiting in the car.

Pooja pushed in the large gate and entered inside. The gate was very old, the paint had long gone but it still looked very imposing. It was lush green inside with big trees lined all around. She moved slowly on the narrow lanes and reached the right most corner where he was resting. She sat on the ground and moved her hands over him, like she has done years ago for so many times. She wished him to roll over and embrace her in his arms. But it was not to be. As she removed the weeds which had germinated all around after the month full of rains, the area around and stone was cleaned. She put the flowers and kissed the stone. While she rested in his embrace, 'Mayank (1980-2020) – unto the infinity' became visible on the stone. Wind was blowing her hairs away and she would tug them time to time while she remained still. Mayank would unravel her hairs whenever she was in his arms, and she would warm him to keep his hands away. Though he would leave it for a while but would be back after a while.

It started raining suddenly. Pooja remained resting in Mayank's embrace. Then it thundered loud....she was coerced into the reality as if someone had pushed her aside. 'No...not now Mayank” she murmured. Mayank had pushed her aside and walked away slamming the door some 30 years ago. It started pouring heavily, Pooja stood still. “Go away......go away” seemed as if he was shouting from the grave with each stroke of thunder. She kept looking at the grave, with tears flowing down her cheeks till it met with the rains losing both its purpose and identity. “Mayank.....not now.....I am coming to you” she said with a deep breath. It thundered again. She shivered.

“Madam....Madam....chalo raining heavily....Doctor Sahiba has been calling continuously over your mobile in car.” informed the driver while bringing her back to present. He had brought the umbrella over her.

She touched the grave, her tears flowed over it, and suddenly turned back walking away from him. She sat in the car looking into the imposing gates of the cemetery. She pushed herself a little back, keeping her head on head stand, looking up onto car's roof, lost in her own world, it seemed to happen just yesterday what had happened 30 years ago. “Kaha chalna hai Madam”, driver interrupted.

Maalum nahi” she replied, still looking up, lost in her own thoughts.

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