Friday, January 18, 2013

The Truth – A Short Story

This story has already been published by YourStoryClub (An Online Publisher) @
“What would you like to order, Sir?” asked the waiter, carefully pouring water into the glass.
“Masala tea with toast for me and what would you have Mihir?” replied Sam who was sitting at the preferred table of his favourite cafe. This table was at the farthest corner from the entrance, having open terrace at one side while the city traffic bustling on the road on the other side of it. Glass window provided the needed separation between the two worlds – AC cooled, peaceful, coffee smelt interior from the hot and humid, dusty and dark outside.
“I will also have masala tea with toast. Bring in two” said Mihir, signalling the waiter to leave.
Sam sipped some water from glass, looked at Mihir and said with a smile, “You know Mihir…I might not be a very lovable and popular manager, but I have always delivered the goods. Never ever in my career, I have missed any deadline and nor would allow my team to miss any at this stage of my career. I might be ruthless, but I am effective. I have built my reputation within the organization on this strength. This is my last lesson for you as a manager – never lose sight of the goal i.e. deadline”
He paused for a while. The pride in his eyes was visible, his voice got hard and confident. He continued, “And if it is a deadline and someone in the team will have to die. I mean…will have to work till he is dead… you understand?”
Sam laughed loud. Mihir could only match it with a fainted smile.
Sam was Mihir’s manager for last five years. He had now been promoted to senior manager position and was asked by organization to handover his responsibilities to Mihir. He had been grooming Mihir for some years and after handing over most of his responsibilities in last six month, was invited by Mihir for coffee at Sam's favourite café.
“Sam..but where is the line between me as person and me as an employee? Can I allow organizational needs to spoil my personal relation with colleagues?” asked Mihir.
“Aahaa…there you go. Remember….Mihir cease to exist the moment you reach the desk. He is the employee of the organization and should do whatever has been asked by the seniors…whatever is good for the organization” replied Sam.
Waiter had brought the tea and toast, and left after putting it on table. Sam pushed one set towards Mihir and continued after taking a bite of the toast, “You know Mihir…on this very table…I have given termination letter to more than 20 of my colleagues. Do you remember Saurabh? I was very close to him personally but I had to terminate him because organization wanted me to do so. But to control such incidents to some extent and to relieve myself of depression, I made the separation smooth, for all of them, by doing if outside the office with a parting coffee at my favourite cafe…at this very table. That was the only luxury I allowed myself while dealing with my colleagues.”
There was no sign of remorse on his face. Stone faced, he continued sipping tea.
“I understand Sam. But why should an organization lay off an employee who has given his best for years to it. We are a family. If the organization is not doing well, if external business environment is adverse……..other alternatives could be found out like reduction in salaries, or job rotation rather than terminating the services.” countered Mihir.
“It’s easier said than done Mihir. Employees’ salaries are the largest operating expenditure for the organization and it is the first thing we should be controlling. Those who are laid off are not the under performers all the time. Sometimes they are the well paid ones whom company can’t afford in the times of distress.” added Sam.
Mihir had, meanwhile, finished his tea. Sam signalled to the waiter to bring the bill. They walked towards parking after Mihir had paid the bill. Mihir brought out one envelope from his bag and passed it towards Sam, saying "Kiran (senior of Sam) gave it to me to pass on to you as he is outstation at the moment".
“What is it?” asked puzzled Sam and looked at the envelope. It had the seal of the organization with ‘Confidential’ marked in bold red font over it. He tore it apart and immediately his eyes caught the subject line ‘Termination of Service’.
“How can they do this to me? I was promoted just 6 months ago and have I got so expensive in these six months that they can’t afford me now. I had given my blood and sweat for this organization…literally……..I have sacrificed my personal life. And see what did I get in return? “thundered Sam.
He was visibly shaken up. Never did he imagine himself facing such a moment even in his dreams. However hard he might have tried to control, tears were visible in his eyes. He stood still, looking at the car which he has brought on loan some months ago.
Mihir gave him a soft pat on the back, held his hand for a while, and suddenly turned back and walked away, like Sam had done on Saurabh and 19 others.


Balraj said...

may be this could be true story and would be sensitive to the person who has gone through this situation unfortunately.

But as a story... i didnt feel any attachment with it...

it was not a story to the level which always come from you... seems like written half heartdly...

Balraj said...

may be this could be true story and would be sensitive to the person who has gone through this situation unfortunately.

But as a story... i didnt feel any attachment with it...

it was not a story to the level which always come from you... seems like written half heartdly...