When Honourable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made a statement yesterday in CM’s conclave,” There is definite information of future attacks on India being planned from Pakistan soil. Be prepared for more attacks in future”. It was not just a candid confession from a gentleman PM, or some sort of intelligence success. It only reflected the helplessness of the most powerful man of India. You are aware of attacks being planned against you, you have the whole contingent of armed forces at your disposal and other agencies in you command and then also you ask the state CMs to be prepared for more attacks in future. I don’t blame you Mr. Prime Minister. You can’t uprightly attack Pakistan and India is turning ungovernable day by day. Enemies of India have created a base within India, be it in Kashmir, UP, Assam or Gujrat. They get support from outside as well as from within. India was always a country of diversities but these diversities are now turning into divisions and ultimately these divisions give succor to enemies of the country.
I am helpless…..but you are not. You need to unite this country. Divisive organizations like ULFA, Naxals and Indian Majaheedin have no place here. They need to be thrown out, either by talk or by gun, whatever they wish. Hindi…Tamil..Telugu..Bengali can’t come in between India. Borders between Maharashta, Karnataka, Bihar, Bengal, Haryan and Punjab will never be allowed to become international borders. Let this known to everybody. Once our own house is in order we can wage a more determined attack on outside enemies.
Till then I am aware of plans to kill one of my family members and I sit helplessly on veranda, praying that it do not to happen ever. Why can’t I go, meet the person who has planned and try to resolve the issue? And if not, why can’t I plan the counter offensive and kill that man before he kills one of my family members? I can’t do either of this because my own family is not united and I don’t expect any support from them in either of the options. So put our own house in order first….don’t sit idle Mr. PM. You are the hope.
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