Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hillary Clinton's Speech

Its 2:00 A.M. and I, having had my doses of Quant and Verbal, decide to relax a bit. Jumbling through ‘Bollywood Hits’, ‘Greatest Love Songs’ and ‘Recent Bollywood Songs’ somehow land up on this amazing video on youtube:

It’s Hillary Clinton addressing Democratic National Conference. A wonderful speech, well articulated and delivered with punches and aura. She lost the democratic presidential nomination to Barak Obama and there she stand supporting him. Her reasoning for a democratic president, remembrance of the lady fighting for health insurance, promise to bring back soldiers from Iraq, equal right for women and plight of middle class stroke a chord with audience and the punch line ‘No Way, No How, No MaCain’ left all mesmerized.

There lies the difference between US and Indian politics. There two opponents joined hands to defeat a common enemy. This sort of statesmanship is missing in Indian politics. One hope that I get from here is that US is predominantly country of middle class and in next 10 years, Indian middle class’ share will rise to 65%........and definitely this would positively affect our politics.
As I was concluding this write up to lay down on bed, someone whispered, “So what are your political plans?” and I murmured,”

As the wind of time pass beside,
I keep open my eyes,
Who knows?
Maybe some opportunity comes by my side.”

…………………..Good Night…naa…Its 3:00 A.M. now….Good Morning

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